How important is reading books nowadays

Modern life has had overwhelming effects on different aspects of human’s life. And one of the prominent consequences is the rate of reading books which has dramatically decreased during last decades. It is probably true to say that, social media attractions and usages have caused this matter. And, on the other side, there are those who argue that some changes in the people’s life conditions have created this disinclination.
It is often claimed that, social media has made a far-reaching change in the form of life, consequently the kind of people’s tendencies to pass their leisure time. Obviously one of them could be the amount of time they spend for reading books. Because, mostly they prefer searching in the internet, playing games or chatting with their friends.
On the other hand, it has been mentioned how stressful is, the quality of lives due to hard situations of jobs and earn a living which makes them that much bored and exhausted to specialize time to read books.
In conclusion, a change in people’s attitude of life has happened by improvement of social media along with tiredness of life involvement, which has led to make reading books less important.
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